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One Foot in Front of the Other

Sheila Markin is a former Assistant US Attorney.  She helps people to understand in plain English what is going on in US politics today.  Subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss a post!

Republicans are losing support across the country. If you are hoping for a blue wave, we can be happy, but we still need to put one foot in front of the other. We need to continue to do what we are doing so well. Doug Jones, Connor Lamb, and many other Democrats in special elections are doing the right thing. They are good people, highly ethical people, with strong resumes in their own right, they understand their constituents and the economic needs of their districts. They talk about policies that they will work hard to make happen in Washington, and they do not mention Trump or impeachment (that revs up the Republican base).

We have the playbook that works.

Trump fatigue and corruption across the board is doing wonders to help drive the blue wave and demoralize Independents who voted for Trump as well as some women who voted for him in the suburbs and, yes, some evangelical women too. Their support of Trump has dropped to about 60% from 80% since the time of his election. It is the seeping away of Trump’s support and the momentum on the side of the Dems that will make all the difference in 2018. That, and getting out the vote- knocking on each and every door, reaching across our divided nation, listening and learning and supporting the needs of all Americans, not just the donor class or the 1%, but all of us trying to have meaningful, successful lives, a livable planet and a path forward for the next generation.

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Most districts remained Republican, but Democrats flipped two solidly Republican seats.
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