New evidence in the Dominion lawsuit was released to the public on February 27th. This evidence against Fox will make it next to impossible for Fox to prevail in the...
The walls are closing in on the former guy. Since he announced he is running once again for president he has gotten a whole lot of bad news. THE ELEVENTH...
UPDATE NOVEMBER 13, 2022 THE RED WAVE THAT WASN'T AND WHY Late night comedians are having a field day with the Republican red wave that turned out to be a...
If you care about our democracy in this country get ready to be really mad about what is coming from this Supreme Court. The Republican Party is pushing the nonsensical...
Republican election denialists are on the ballot across the country. Out of 552 total Republican nominees running for office, we found 201 who FULLY DENIED the legitimacy of the 2020 election. These candidates either clearly...
Yeah, I know what you're thinking: "Why is this time different from any other time Trump broke the law and didn't pay the price? Teflon Don has gotten off every...
Joe Biden's approval rating has risen to 44% in the most recent polls. More Americans now favor a Democratically led Congress albeit by a small margin. The leading concern of...
Trump is not the president anymore. Nonetheless, he dominates the news cycle with fall out from his current and past outspoken, defiant and crazy behaviors: hiding documents at Mar-a-Lago to...