The Midterm: Swing States Reject Extremism The dust is almost settled now after the midterm elections. Democrats maintained their control of the Senate and may gain an extra vote in...
On Tuesday, November 15th 2022, an aggrieved and vengeful Donald Trump announced his third run for president. He spoke at Mar-a-Lago in front of a crowd of supporters and club...
On Christmas Eve in 1914 on the battlefield in WWI, British and German soldiers in their trenches sang Christmas carols together and came out from their bunkers. They even played...
UPDATE NOVEMBER 13, 2022 THE RED WAVE THAT WASN'T AND WHY Late night comedians are having a field day with the Republican red wave that turned out to be a...
Answer: The LATE DECIDERS The midterms are going to be won or lost based on the late deciders- the people who have not yet made up their minds. They live...
We are about 3 weeks away from the midterm election and people are already voting across the country. By now most Americans have made up their minds about who they...
What is happening with Trump's Mar-a-Lago theft of national documents is getting complicated. Let's de-mystify what is going on. First, what Trump did by taking the documents should be compared...
If you care about our democracy in this country get ready to be really mad about what is coming from this Supreme Court. The Republican Party is pushing the nonsensical...