It's not what AG Bill Barr, Trump and the GOP are saying. We do not yet have Mueller’s full written Report to read. All we have is Bill Barr’s distilled, ...
Watching Trump give his presidential speech on Tuesday night I couldn’t help thinking how pathetic he has become. There he sat in the Oval Office woodenly reciting his repetitive Grimm’s...
There are two ways to unseat a president in our country. The first is impeachment, which we have all heard about. The second, is the 25th Amendment, which many people...
Sheila Markin is a former Assistant US Attorney. She helps people to understand in plain English what is going on in US politics today. Subscribe to the blog so you...
Sheila Markin is a former Assistant US Attorney. She helps people to understand in plain English what is going on in US politics today. Subscribe to the blog so you...