Trump has turned the White House into his hidey-hole where he hunkers down behind newly fortified fencing and wire mesh, away from "them", the American people he fears. Trump has...
74% of Americans believe the death of George Floyd is a sign of a broader problem. Americans have become more aware of the harsh and unfair treatment of people of...
Trump is a flame thrower. He only knows how to stoke crises and make them worse not better. He is engaging in fights on many fronts as the pandemic continues,...
Trump should spend more time being presidential and saving lives than he does tweeting...and yet here we are with 100,000+ deaths and no end to his twitter rants. So what...
On Monday, May 19, Trump told reporters that he is taking hydroxychloroquine and another supplement to ward off the coronavirus. That caused a media ruckus because this flies in the...
May 15, 2020 87,000 Americans known to be dead from coronavirus (but the body count is probably already over 100,000 based on reliable data cited in NYT) 147,000 expected to...
Trump won the presidency by being a fighter: always attacking, uncensored, self-aggrandizing, free-wheeling. He lashed out at enemies at his rallies to the delight of his base. He spoke off...
"The truth is because of an incompetent reaction to this health crisis, the strong economy handed to Donald Trump is now a disaster, causing the suffering of countless Americans and...
This is a war and many Americans are engaged in helping other Americans in this battle. There are people sewing face masks on their sewing machines at home and giving...