Real trials have witnesses and documents. Phony trials do not. As I have written in this blog before the impeachment battle between the Democrats and the Republicans is about reality...
Nancy Pelosi is sitting on the Articles of Impeachment right now. There has been speculation on both sides about whether she plans to send them over to the Senate for...
Now that Qasem Soleimani has been assassinated by Trump, the whole world wonders what the heck is coming next with this out of control, crazy president. Biden said it well-...
Is this a "Wag the Dog" move by Trump? Trump assassinated a horrible man, the mastermind of Iranian terrorism and the leader of the Quds Force. So, good riddance. Soleimani...
A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and...
The Senate trial of Trump is approaching. Americans who have been reading the news or watching mainstream media already know the facts about Trump's impeachable offenses. 51% of Americans are...
Rigged or Open: Polar Opposite Positions of Republicans and Democrats Mitch McConnell is doing his level best to rig Trump's Senate trial. He says he is NOT going to be...
Trump was impeached by the House for Abuse of Power (230 to 197) and Obstruction of Congress (229 to 198) on his 1,063rd day as president. All day long on...
Today, Wednesday, December 18, 2019, the House will vote two Articles of Impeachment based on facts that are damning and uncontested. Anyone who understands these facts knows that Trump committed...