I don't hear anyone clearly saying the real reason Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell and many GOP members of Congress oppose a 911 style commission to study what happened on January...
The House The GOP made it official today. It's the party of the Big Lie. Liz Cheney was just voted out of leadership by the Republican caucus in the House....
Those of us who had hoped that once Trump was out of office we would not need to worry about our democracy have had to realize that the potential to...
Biden is the Populist Savior Trump Pretended to Be In Biden's first 100 days his team successfully tamed the pandemic with a vaccine program that put America in the global...
The Party of No Republicans cannot move on. They are stuck. They are stuck in the past and stuck on Trump. They cannot move forward to meet the needs of...
The Aftereffects of the Big LieĀ Trump used the Big Lie to try to stay in office as president. It didn't work for him, but it is having continued damaging...
After Donald Trump was acquitted in his second impeachment trial, Mitch McConnell took to the podium in the Senate chamber and delivered what could have been the closing argument for...
Playing By the Rules The juxtaposition of Trump's second impeachment trial and the Super Bowl got me thinking... about rules. Who plays by the rules and who does not. Most...
People Who Worried Trump Was a Danger Got it Right During his presidency Trump supporters have accused those Americans who were shocked or upset about Trump as having "Trump Derangement...