Playing By the Rules The juxtaposition of Trump's second impeachment trial and the Super Bowl got me thinking... about rules. Who plays by the rules and who does not. Most...
People Who Worried Trump Was a Danger Got it Right During his presidency Trump supporters have accused those Americans who were shocked or upset about Trump as having "Trump Derangement...
Dr. Fauci looks like a new man since Biden was elected. He looks relieved. And why wouldn't he be? He is no longer being forced against his will to support...
"If we nominate Trump we will get destroyed and we will deserve it." That was Lindsay Graham's prediction in 2016. He foretold the end of the Republican Party before he...
We reached the end of 2020. OMG! Thank Goodness! What a rotten year THAT was! We have to believe next year will be better with Joe Biden as president and...
The pandemic has affected all of us. We have to get through this dark winter. But help is on the way. Vaccines Are Coming The MRNA Pfizer vaccine began distribution...
Trump's GOP is a Tattered Republican Party at War with Itself and Reality Trump has always been untethered to reality and what is left of the GOP, a once proud...