The GOP is brushing off losses from the 2018 election, according to the New York Times. The House GOP is treating their losses in 2018 as a big fat nothingburger. ...
Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to an additional charge of lying to Congress. That guilty plea was part of the Justice Department investigation into Russian meddling into our election. On the...
Mueller just ripped up the cooperation agreement Manafort had with the Special Counsel. Instead of telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, Manafort lied and lied. ...
It's Thanksgiving weekend and Trump just said what he is thankful for is, wait for it....he's thankful for HIMSELF! Are you surprised? He says he is just what America needs. ...
Nancy Pelosi is facing a challenge to her power. She has created a power center for herself in the House in the many years of her tenure there. Some people...
Jim Acosta of CNN asks Trump tough questions. Often, they are questions that Trump doesn’t want to answer. Since Trump likes to create divisiveness and disruption as well as stay...
When the history books are written it will be said that in response to the clear and present danger of Donald Trump’s presidency, many women, scientists, and minorities dropped what...
Break the Glass! Get to a Protest Today!! Trump just fired Jeff Sessions. He had Sessions write up a letter of resignation that gave Trump wiggle room to say...
It is finally time to make our vote count. We have been waiting for this day since Trump was elected. A vote for Republicans is a vote for Trump. He...