On March 13th, 2020, in response to the coronavirus pandemic, Trump belatedly declared a national federal emergency under the Stafford Act which made available 40 billion dollars of funding for...
Many people have wondered how it could be that Trump’s approvals for handling the coronavirus could be going up when Trump has done such a bad job of keeping Americans...
Fox News is worried about being sued because they knowingly misled the public about coronavirus. At the beginning of this epidemic we knew about in January, for at least two...
Trump has called himself a wartime president. Of course not all wartime presidents are good at being leaders. What should a good wartime leader be doing during a war? A...
If we lived in biblical times this pandemic would be thought of as a message from the Almighty. The world has been smitten with a global plague. “The Almighty”, we...
“For all those of you who’ve been knocked down, counted out, left behind, this is your campaign. Join Us!” Biden proclaimed to the cheering crowd. Joe Biden was not supposed...
There is no way to spin a pandemic. COVID-19 will probably be Trump's Chernobyl and Katrina combined. This is a real disaster, not of his own making, that he has,...
I think of Elizabeth Warren as a cross between a modern day Joan of Arc and a feisty, mission driven consumer advocate, eager to educate the world. She is definitely...