As an executive coach and career counselor I spend a lot of time helping clients craft their messages. They need to have the right message, and they also need the...
After 2016 many Democrats were disillusioned. Hillary lost and there was a lot of blame to go around. One of the lingering concerns has been that the DNC will play...
On Wednesday, June 12, 2019, J.B. Pritzker, the newly elected Democratic governor of Illinois, signed the Reproductive Health Act into law. This was after a hard fought battle in the...
We Have the Last Piece of the Puzzle About Trump’s Intent. If you had any lingering doubt about Trump's criminal intent before, now you can rest assured that your hunch...
Trump continued to be a total embarrassment as our president in his recent trip to England. He read some nice words that were written for him for the 75th Anniversary...
Whenever I think things are going down the toilet because Trump is our president and doing damage to our democracy every day with the help of a complicit GOP, I...
Like Moses coming down from Mt Sinai with the 10 Commandments, Mueller showed up at the podium on the 7th floor of the Department of Justice and spoke to America. ...