“For all those of you who’ve been knocked down, counted out, left behind, this is your campaign. Join Us!” Biden proclaimed to the cheering crowd. Joe Biden was not supposed...
I think of Elizabeth Warren as a cross between a modern day Joan of Arc and a feisty, mission driven consumer advocate, eager to educate the world. She is definitely...
Mike Bloomberg is not an inspirational speaker. People close to him will quietly say that they think he may be "on the spectrum". If that is true about him his...
If you are planning to cast your vote for Bernie Sanders in your primary, read this first. You owe it to yourself to understand what the consequences might be. This...
Sanders is running the table so far in early primaries. He won Nevada resoundingly on Saturday. We also just found out that he is getting helped by the Russians. Sanders...
Rick Wilson's new book, Running Against the Devil, is the must read playbook for Dems to beat Trump in 2020. Wilson is one of the street fighting Republican strategists who...
It was predictable that after "beating" the impeachment rap Trump would not learn the lesson that some Republicans claimed he might learn- namely, to stop being a bully and stop...
Roger Stone's sentencing has set up another break-glass-in-case-of-fire ALARM BELL GOING OFF in our country as Trump moves more boldly to make the Justice Department bend to his political will. ...
The end of the impeachment trial is almost here. Senators who complained there were no first hand witnesses rejected any witnesses or additional evidence at all including Bolton who knows...