Trump has created an alternate universe that Trump knows is false but his supporters buy into. In that dystopic alternate world the pandemic is almost over, climate change is nothing...
If you haven't heard about the Red Mirage yet, you are going to hear about it in the coming weeks. It's the voting results phenomenon that we saw in 2018. ...
In a true democracy where it's one person one vote and no Electoral College, Donald Trump would be soundly defeated on November 3rd. Trump's recently exposed incendiary comments calling the...
Trump knew in late January how serious the pandemic was going to be and consciously lied to Americans about the danger putting his own re-election above the safety of the...
Donald Trump's campaign is in a heightened state of anxiety over remarks he made about the military that have come out that are so disgusting, vulgar and shocking that he...
Every day we get another episode of the Reality TV Show we are forced to live through since the 2016 election: Donald J. Trump, Very Important President. Every day we...
It's Tuesday, September 1st 2020. There are 6.04 million cases of coronavirus in the US. There are 183,000 deaths from Covid in our country. (That's an underestimate.) There is still...
Yesterday I suddenly felt exhausted. The Trump administration had just announced the ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) would no longer give in-person briefings to our legislators. Here...
The Republican Convention took place this week. Trump promised a cheerful convention. Hardly. We got a split screen consisting of dark dystopian scary rhetoric that felt at times like Joe...