The Terrorist Plot Against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Thirteen members of two domestic terror groups were arrested before they could carry out their plot to kidnap and possibly kill the governor...
Donald Trump was not psychologically well before contracting Covid-19, being hospitalized and getting treated for the disease. The man was mentally unhinged for starters. But now he is unhinged on...
On Monday evening Donald Trump left Walter Reed hospital after a short stay and staged a reality TV event starring himself as the victorious winner of his fight against Covid....
After downplaying the coronavirus over and over again despite being well aware of its contagiousness and lethality, and after mocking people for wearing masks to prevent the spread of the...
Last night was supposed to be a debate. It wasn't. Trump came to the debate with the goal of attacking Chris Wallace and Joe Biden. And that's what he did....
The NYT has published more than two decades of Trump's taxes. The timing of the reveal, right before the debate, gave Americans important information at a time when they are...
What Happened to America? When future generations look back at this time in American history, some might laugh, others will scratch their heads in amazement, and still others will be...
Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an American icon. She died Friday at the age of 87. As a Supreme Court justice she stood up against all forms of discrimination. She led...
Trump has created an alternate universe that Trump knows is false but his supporters buy into. In that dystopic alternate world the pandemic is almost over, climate change is nothing...