Call it what it is and keep saying it over and over and over again: BRIBERY. BRIBERY. BRIBERY. Under the Federal Statute 18 USC section 201 (b) A Public official...
The House held their first floor vote on the impeachment of Donald Trump on Halloween. How perfect. It passed mostly along party lines with no Republicans breaking ranks. Nonetheless Trump...
The Trump White House has declared all out war on the impeachment process by sending a letter to the House that claims to be based on legal arguments but would...
Trump is going to be impeached by the House. The House investigation has uncovered and is continuing to uncover a cesspool of violations of law, abuse of power and corrupt...
Republicans came up with a defense of Trump to shield him from fall out over illegally extorting Ukraine to get them to do a hit job on Joe Biden. They...
Let's boil it down. Trump has been working with all his might and with the vast power of the presidency behind him to reinvent reality to fit his fever dream...
It is a rare and wonderful thing when a criminal provides his own smoking gun. As a former prosecutor I was delighted if I had an incriminating tape to play...
Earlier in his administration Trump narrowly escaped the fate he now faces in earnest- impeachment for abuse of power and violation of his oath of office. He escaped impeachment early...
Nancy Pelosi just announced that a formal impeachment investigation is on. The House is going to send information to the House Judiciary Committee to pull together Articles of Impeachment. The...