It looks like Paul Manafort will be going to jail for a long time for violating his cooperation agreement with Mueller's team and lying to the FBI and grand jury...
Donald Trump is NOT my president. President’s Day is here again and in his two years as president, Trump has only deepened my conviction that he is a tool of...
Donald Trump just had his most off the wall, rambling, one-hour stream of consciousness press conference EVER! We are hearing the raw sewage of Donald Trump’s thinking, undiluted and unfiltered. ...
The Senate Intel Committee is winding down its investigation into the Russian interference in our presidential election, and Senator Burr came out with a statement that brought joy to Trump...
In Trump's State of the Union speech the most divisive president we have ever had in this country gave lip service to unity and working together. He faced a much...
The Rachel Maddow Show is beating Sean Hannity’s show as the first-place non-sports show across all of cable TV in prime-time. This trend began at the time of the midterm...
Neal Katyal, former Acting Solicitor General, had an interesting idea a few weeks ago. He said- maybe Trump really WANTS to be impeached. Katyal may be onto something that we...
Friday was a good day for the American people. Two big events happened Friday. They are both cause for celebration. Early in the morning the FBI showed up at Roger...