The whole impeachment fight can be understood by simply understanding what each side is trying to get to happen. The Dems want all information, testimony and facts to come out...
Career public servants are risking their careers to show up on Capitol Hill this week and next week. They arrive and go through the check point by the entrance to...
Let's boil it down. Trump has been working with all his might and with the vast power of the presidency behind him to reinvent reality to fit his fever dream...
It is a rare and wonderful thing when a criminal provides his own smoking gun. As a former prosecutor I was delighted if I had an incriminating tape to play...
Earlier in his administration Trump narrowly escaped the fate he now faces in earnest- impeachment for abuse of power and violation of his oath of office. He escaped impeachment early...
Trump's incessant tweeting, arguing, fighting, and battling is exhausting most Americans. Especially women. In the most recent Fox Poll Trump gets a 56% disapproval rating with a 43% approval rating....
I used to be an Independent voter. I voted for the person, not the party. But I have changed my mind. There are good lawmakers and candidates in the Republican...
We Have the Last Piece of the Puzzle About Trump’s Intent. If you had any lingering doubt about Trump's criminal intent before, now you can rest assured that your hunch...