Today Nancy Pelosi pressed the pedal to the metal and caught Trump totally off guard. While Trump was doing a dance in the end zone, bragging about the killing Al...
The whole impeachment fight can be understood by simply understanding what each side is trying to get to happen. The Dems want all information, testimony and facts to come out...
Trump has famously said that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any support. In other words, Trump could commit a crime, even an obvious, well documented...
For months and months now commentators tell us it is extremely unlikely that Trump would ever be impeached by the House and expelled from office by the Senate because the...
Career public servants are risking their careers to show up on Capitol Hill this week and next week. They arrive and go through the check point by the entrance to...
There are a number of heroic people stepping up to testify in Congress this week. They care more about our country than the fact that they will be attacked by...
On October 11th Marie Yovanovitch, the former Ambassador to Ukraine, got up in the morning, dressed in her business suit and pearls and arrived on Capitol Hill to testify before...
We are getting multiple sources of evidence that will eventually bring down this president and this administration. Republicans! Get on the right side of history before it is too late. ...
The Trump White House has declared all out war on the impeachment process by sending a letter to the House that claims to be based on legal arguments but would...